Questions weight loss we are often interested in. Women this topic is concerned more: pregnancy and childbirth have that effect on the female body, maintain a healthy weight becomes difficult. Extra pounds and strive to appear, and especially after the winter holidays and Hiking trips for guests." So we have to "struggle with weight", looking for ways to "more effectively": women often turn to "miracle pills", or, sweating and gritting his teeth, doing hours at the gym. And few people think or even knows that normal water is not only a great way to maintain a healthy weight, but also medications that can facilitate for many diseases and even recover fully.
Why is it so easy?

When they say that genius is simple, it is necessary to remember about the laws of nature: becoming "civilized" people, we forgot about them completely. Life originated in water and without water, but we ignored the law, turning your body into a real "battlefield": our cells have literally a daily struggle for precious water, but its still not enough, and they billions are dying from dehydration.
Any disruptions in the body, including lipid metabolism disorders, in 99% of cases occur because of an acute shortage of water. The human body consists of water more than 2/3, and we are trying to lose weight try to "chase the water", using diuretic diet, and not always using usual products: after all, pharmacy teas and other drugs act faster. This approach not only spoil the figure, the water "falls", and the fat remains, but undermines health: "recovering" after the diet, the cells begin to store water for future use, making it difficult for the kidneys and other internal organs.
How to lose weight with water?
First of all, you need to learn to drink water whenever I want "something to eat", and especially to limit herself in food not necessary.
Most people hardly distinguish hunger from thirst: the brain is required fluid, and we have an appetite, but after a glass of water, he often "arrives". If after 20-30 minutes, still hungry, eat; however, getting the amount of fluid, the body is satisfied with smaller portion of food – this is the beginning of the process of weight loss. And if you do not wait until you want to eat, and to drink water on time, your appetite will start to show themselves more rarely. And the figure becomes slimmer, most often with the problem of excess weight experienced by people not used to drinking clean water.
When cells get enough water, reduces the rate of metabolic processes in the body; fats are also broken down slowly – formed body fat. Fat burning is accelerated when the water begins to flow in sufficient quantity. First, quickens urination, but a few days more or less returned to normal, and the weight gradually starts to leave. But, if you do not restrict salt in the diet, to restore the water balance is unlikely: water is trapped in the tissues, accumulate, there will be swelling – weight loss is not necessary to speak.
To lose weight with water even developed a special water diet, and some of them assessed as being safe and effective, have become very popular among those who want to keep your figure in shape.
Water diet
There are different options for water diets; will bring more soft. From the diet removes starchy, fatty, sweet and fried foods, reduce the amount of salt, drink tea unsweetened, coffee with a minimal amount of sugar (1-1/2 tsp).
Water you should drink on a schedule to achieve the best effect. Full glass of clean, slightly warm water 30 minutes before a meal, and another glass – not earlier than 2 hours after. During meals do not have to drink. In the morning, once awakened, it is highly desirable to drink 2 glasses of water (at night, the body loses moisture), too warm temperate (with lemon juice). Short diet start easier: you can check how the body will react, and prepare it for more serious options, allowing you to get rid of 10-18 kg of excess weight.

Here is a sample menu for the 3-day water diet.
1st day water diet
- Breakfast: boiled egg, cheese, and rye bread (2 thin slices).
- Lunch: a pear and 2 plums fresh.
- Lunch: salad (cucumbers, tomatoes, soft cheese, herbs), boiled chicken (breast), slice of bread (for the whole duration of the diet rye bread or whole grain wheat, dried).
- Snack: 2 peaches.
- Dinner: stewed vegetables (without potatoes) with a slice of lean boiled beef.
- 2nd dinner (at around 21: 00): 150 g low-fat cottage cheese with fresh berries and a small amount of natural yogurt.
2 day water diet
- Morning: soft, low-fat cottage cheese (you can add 1 tsp of honey or jam), herbal tea and two slices of bread.
- Lunch: 2 nectarines (peach).
- Lunch: salad of any raw vegetables with fresh herbs, a slice of low-fat boiled fish, bread.
- Snack: unsweetened Apple.
- Dinner: 2 boiled eggs, salad from fresh cabbage with tomatoes, a slice of bread and cheese.
- 21.00: a small piece of boiled chicken, bread and tomato.
3 day water diet
- Breakfast: fresh lettuce, boiled chicken, bread, green tea.
- Lunch: 2 plums.
- Lunch: vegetable soup without potatoes with a slice of lean beef, bread.
- Snack: 2 pears.
- Evening: one fish steam with a steam cutlet (raw) vegetables, bread; 21.00: in the 1st day.
All the days to drink water on schedule, before and after each meal and another glass with 1 tsp of honey at night.
According to reviews, the diet is not difficult. Weight is reduced only 1.5-2 kg, but starts to improve well-being.
The condition generally depends on water directly, as mentioned above. So, gastroenterologists often remind patients that a glass of water 30 minutes before a meal helps the stomach normally produce juice for digestion. Those who don't forget to do it, no heartburn and belching, gastritis and other gastrointestinal diseases, and weight is also normal (or close to it). Clean water saves not only the stomach but also of the kidney and genitourinary system (no inflammation – all washed away by water), and of the joints and muscles. After all, when there is not enough water, the body dispenses it sparingly, and joints it just do not get.
How to drink water for weight loss
Lost some weight, it is not necessary again to forget about the water. Drink as much as you can (2 litres a day is good, but 1.5 l is a must), but slowly, in small SIPS.
More than one glass at a time do not drink (with the exception of a morning drink of water).
Try to eat more soups and put in less salt; more often eat fresh fruit, berries and vegetables, salads, vegetable dishes.

Wherever you go, carry water in a small bottle - it perfectly fits in your purse, and drink a few SIPS at every opportunity. At work too, keep water nearby, as well as during sports activities: during system operation, the water in the body is consumed very quickly.
Remember that coffee and black tea, as with any alcohol, contribute to rapid dehydration, and they should not be abused. Alcohol is particularly dangerous, therefore, after the feasts and celebrations be useful to arrange fasting days with water.